Dawson County Sheriff- Lexington, Nebraska Sheriff's Desk
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Sheriff Reiber

D.A.R.E. Deputy


McGruff the Crime Dog - Take a Bite Out of Crime

The mission of the Dawson County Sheriff's Office is to provide and sustain a comprehensive continuum of services for all people living in and visiting Dawson County, Nebraska. These services Dawson County Sheriff Gary Reiberare available, accessible, inclusive, equitable and culturally sensitive with the overall focus to protect the lives and property of all who reside in or visit the area. Furthermore, we are strongly committed to enforcement of local, state and federal laws; and the defense of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska and the Constitution of the United States of America; will faithfully defend the citizens of the State of Nebraska and of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; and we are in alliance with all armed forces and law enforcement in and of the United States of America.

Gary Reiber
Dawson County Sheriff

Dawson County Commissioners Resolution

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Dawson County Sheriff's Office
709 North Grant
Lexington, NE 68850

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