Parent-Child Center - Crisis Line: 1-800-215-3040 or 308-324-3040 - 1001 North Washington - Lexington, NE 68850
Designed, maintained & hosted by Anderson Graphics
Serving Dawson and Gosper Counties of Central Nebraska
Domestic violence is physical, sexual, emotional, financial, verbal, and/or economic abuse
of a current or former intimate partner. You can be a victim of domestic violence no matter
how old you are, what your racial or cultural background may be, what type of education
you have, what your religious beliefs are, etc. Domestic violence can happen to anyone
and it is a CRIME. Domestic violence is usually not a single event and often becomes
more severe and frequent over time.
If you are a victim please know that it isn’t your fault. You are not the cause. The batterer is
to blame for the choices he or she makes. You may feel trapped and alone. You are not
alone. Do not lose hope. There are people who can help. 
Call us for more information or just to talk. All calls are anonymous and confidential.
24-hour English Crisis Line:
1-800-215-3040   or   1-308-324-3040
Línea de Crisis:
1-866-351-9594    ó   1-308-324-1942